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DOMS'CASIO intercepted light Galeria Wschodnia Lodz

datum bericht: 23-02-2019

From 1 March to 30 April 2019 Jan Doms is working on a new video animation film DOMS'CASIO intercepted light in Galeria Wschodnia in Lodz, Poland. 


He will collaborate with Iwona Rozbiewska (experimental video) and Agnieszka Ziemiszewska (typography and graphic design).


Ernst Bonis (electronics) built the DOMS'CASIO especially for this occasion, with which Jan Doms composes and performs sound and music for this video animation film.

Intercepted light tells the story of architecture in motion in three cities: Tilburg, Lodz and Gyumri, located in the Netherlands, Poland and Armenia respectively.


The background of this project has everything to do with the 'shared' history of these three cities, as there is: the rise and fall of the textile industry, the interrelated mental history of the avant-garde and the constant need to reinvent the city (utopia).


In this animation video with live performance, this commitment is expressed in an abstract way through the application of graphic arts (blind printing in collaboration of the Book Art Museum Lodz), the animation of architecture and the application of electronics (sound and music).


The project DOMS'CASIO intercepted light is the prelude to the comprehensive project Mushtopia.

Download: concept AIR Galleria Wschodnia kl.pdf



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