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Report 'archeology of De Noordkade' Kurt Gouwy a.o.

datum bericht: 15-07-2024

On July 12, Jan van Hoof, artistic director of De Compagnie, introduced the duo exhibition of Jan Doms and Han Klinkhamer in the monumental Koekhal on De Noordkade Veghel. Afterwards, Pieter Bakker, project leader of the latest 3D concrete printing factory of Saint-Gobain Weber Beamix, gave a sparkling presentation about this new construction technique. As an intermezzo, Jan Doms explained his special designs 3D concrete printings 'Steps to Heaven' with the daily solar performance and 'Snake'. Finally, Kurt Gouwy from AIR architecture and research spoke about the (re)development of De Noordkade.

The originally Flemish architect Kurt Gouwy gave a very inspiring speech about the way in which he dealt with this industrial building complex to create a three-dimensional 'city' with connected spaces, filled with art-, culture- and food functions, which are openly connected to each other and can be visited freely.


A bystander responded:

Architect Kurt Gouwy of A.I.R. talks in the special Koekbouw of the former CHV factory on the Noordkade about how “traces are readable deposits in time”. And that, just like archaeologists, they intervened on the Noordkade about 13 years ago and everything carefully that the artists, as 'early adapters' of the site, already managed to unlock the beauty with pop-ups and the connecting art programs that go with them in this way they made the invisible visible. Now the exhibition is taking place, 'Steps to Heaven' by Jan Doms and Han Klinkhamer.


Kurt Gouwy ends with “the Noordkade is you and this exhibition proves that once again”.

Download: Eng report dag vh bouwen 12 juli 2024 kopie.pdf



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